Tuesday, February 11: Please move vehicles off the roads so plows can clear the roads overnight. Parking is free in all municipal lots from 7 pm tonight until 9 am tomorrow.
Celebrate Earth Day with the Environmental Commission the weekend of April 25, 26 and 27. We will have 3 opportunities to join in the festivities and make an impact with our community! Earth Day Weekend 2025 Friday, April 25 to Sunday, April 27 - Town Swap Saturday, April 26 (starting at 9 am) - Town...
PSE&G and contractor crews are in the final phase of the gas pipe replacement project. Crews will be working on Main Street from January through April. Expect detours and "no parking" signs in sections of Main Street. Pedestrian access to all businesses will be maintained. Monday, February 10 to Friday, February 14 The overnight crew...
We're hoping for a good amount of packable snow next week so we can kick-off the Snow Buddy/Creature Contest, hosted by the Recreation Committee. All you have to do is build a snow buddy (or snow creature), take a picture, and email it to us. We will share photos on social media for everyone to...
The Office of Planning Advocacy (OPA) and the State Planning Commission (SPC) are in the process of updating the New Jersey State Development and Redevelopment Plan (SDRP), or State Plan. Somerset County information meeting The SPC will host a public meeting to educate the public on how the Cross-acceptance process will work and to give...
The Somerville Public Library offers fun activities, games, workshops, and programs for all ages. Check out what's happening in January! Infants, toddlers, and pre-school Time to Play Organized play stations and toys will be available for caregivers and children (birth to 5 years). Time: 10:30 am Dates: February 7, 28 Baby/Toddler Storytime This interactive program...
PSE&G and contractor crews are in the final phase of the gas pipe replacement project. Crews will be working on Main Street from January through April. Expect detours and "no parking" signs in sections of Main Street. Pedestrian access to all businesses will be maintained. Monday, February 3 to Friday, February 7 PSE&G crews are...
JANUARY 31 UPDATE: PSE&G crews will not work on Main Street tonight, due to weather. ------------------------------------- PSE&G and contractor crews are in the final phase of the gas pipe replacement project. Crews will be working on Main Street from January through April. Expect detours and "no parking" signs in sections of Main Street. Pedestrian access...
Somerset County residents The Somerset County Park Commission is accepting natural Christmas trees for recycling. Trees will be chipped into wood chip mulch which will be used throughout the park system to mulch plantings. Some chips/mulch will be made available to the public at each of the drop-off sites at no cost. You may drop-off trees:...
The Somerville Public Library offers fun activities, games, workshops, and programs for all ages. Check out what's happening in January! Infants, toddlers, and pre-school Time to Play Organized play stations and toys will be available for caregivers and children (birth to 5 years). Time: 10:30 am Dates: January 3, 31 Baby/Toddler Storytime This interactive program is filled...
PSE&G and contractor crews are in the final phase of the gas pipe replacement project. Crews will be working on Main Street from January through April. Expect detours and "no parking" signs in sections of Main Street. Pedestrian access to all businesses will be maintained. Work Hours 9 am to 2 pm (from January 13...
PSE&G and contractor crews are now in the final phase of the gas pipe replacement project. Crews will be working on Main Street from January through April, mainly in the evenings, from 8 pm to 5 am. Expect detours and no parking signs in sections of Main Street. Pedestrian access to all businesses will be...
The Borough of Somerville has scheduled a special council meeting at 6 pm on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers room, at the Civic Center, located at 24 Robeson Street in Somerville. The meeting will open to the public for public comment and a resolution will be adopted...
Mayor Brian Gallagher delivered the annual State of the Borough address at the annual reorganization meeting on January 1, 2025. Citizens, honored guests, borough employees, fire department, rescue squad, police personnel, Somerville Borough Council, friends and family….good afternoon, and Happy New Year! The state of our borough continues to be strong, promising, and the talk...
Please note the revised schedule for municipal services during the holiday season. Tuesday, December 24 Borough Hall offices will be closed in observance of Christmas Eve Garbage collection will operate as usual Wednesday, December 25 Borough Hall offices will be closed in observance of Christmas Day Garbage collection is suspended and will resume with extra...
The annual reorganization meeting will be held at 12 pm on January 1, 2025. Please note the new location at the Somerville Middle School, located at 51 W. Cliff Street. The entrance is in the back parking lot on West High Street. Councilmember RanD Pitts and Andrew Conte will take the oath of office and...
As a reminder, free parking is available during the holiday season on Saturday, Sunday, December 25 and January 1. Saturday Lots 1, 2, 4 and 6: Free parking every Saturday between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day Lot 7: Parking is always free on Saturdays Paid parking will still be enforced on Main Street and the...
The Department of Public Works (DPW) is currently working on the last round of curbside leaf pickup with the vacuum trucks. The last day is Friday, December 6. You may continue to collect leaves in paper bags. Drop leaves off in the DPW dumpster located at 32 5th Street The dumpster is open from 7:30...
Expect temporary, rolling road closures for the 13th annual Holiday Lights Parade, on Saturday, December 7. The parade, hosted by the Somerville Fire Department, will start at approximately 6 pm. Hundreds of volunteer first responders from throughout New Jersey will decorate 70+ emergency vehicles and make their way around Somerville, led by Santa Claus. We...
PSE&G and contractor crews will continue working on the gas pipe replacement project. Monday, December 2 to Friday, December 6 Connecting service lines on North Cadillac Dr and Schoolhouse Ln Restoring sidewalks and driveway aprons (in scattered locations) View the interactive map to see current work locations. Questions Contact the PSE&G Gas Construction customer hotline...
The Somerville Public Library offers fun activities, games, workshops, and programs for all ages. Check out what's happening in December! Infants, toddlers, and pre-school Preschool Storytime An interactive program that fosters early literacy skills through books, songs, and activities. This program is for ages 3 to 5 years, with a caregiver. Time: 10:30 am Dates: December...