UPDATE: Due to the weather forecast, PSE&G contractor crews will not work on Main Street on Tuesday, March 5. All traffic lanes will be open. We are waiting for PSE&G to confirm if work will continue on E. High Street.
PSE&G will continue working on the gas pipe replacement project that started in March 2023. All work is weather permitting.
Week of March 4
PSE&G and contractor crews will be working on:
- E. Main Street, from N. Bridge Street to Park Avenue (completing service appointments). Lane shifts will be used to direct the traffic flow.
- E. High Street, between Culver Street and N. Gaston Ave
Main Street plan
- Work on Main Street started at the Bridge Street intersection and will end at Park Avenue
- Work hours are from 9 am to 3 pm (approved by the state)
- Crews will start setting up at 8 am and complete breakdown by 4 pm
- Traffic control will include lane shifts, road closures and detours around work areas, to ensure safety
- “No Parking” signs will be posted on Main Street, from Division Street to Grove Street
- “No Parking” hours are from 8 am to 4 pm (to accommodate setup and breakdown)
- Signs will be moved as the work progresses
Contact the PSE&G Gas Construction customer hotline at 1-833-661-6400 or email GasWorks@PSEG.com.