The Recreation office is closed from July 26 to August 5. The Fire Prevention department will be closed from July 29 until August 5. The Vital Statistics office will be closed for lunch (1 to 2 pm), from August 1 to August 9.

Welcome to our new website!

Posted on November 21, 2023

Multi screen homepage screenshot

Welcome to our new website!

What’s new

  • Content organized in a customer service approach
  • Plain language that’s easier to understand on the first read
  • Applied accessibility best practices to improve ADA compliance
  • Translation tool in multiple languages
  • Predictive search
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Interactive service center with FAQs

What’s up next:

  • Continuous improvements
  • Simpler forms
  • More photos
  • More robust service center

Give us your feedback

As we continue to improve our website, we want your input. Please share your ideas.

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