What is the ORI number for Somerville, NJ?
The ORI number is required to complete the state’s Firearms application. Somerville’s ORI number is NJ0181800.
The ORI number is required to complete the state’s Firearms application. Somerville’s ORI number is NJ0181800.
Free car seat inspections are available at the: Hillsborough Volunteer Fire Company #2 375 Route 206 North, Hillsborough, NJ Open: First Saturday of each month (10 am to 1:30 pm) and third Wednesday of each month (3 pm to 6:30 pm) Child Seat Inspection Station Rutgers University Police Department 129 Davidson Road, Piscataway, NJ Open: Thursdays … Continued
Call the police non-emergency line at (908) 725-0331 and press 0 to speak with a dispatcher.
Allow 5 working days for any police report to be ready. Call the Records Bureau at (908) 725-0331 prior to picking up a report at Police Headquarters or access a report online for a fee.
Call the Police non-emergency line at (908) 725-0331 and press 0 to speak with a dispatcher.