Tuesday, February 11: Please move vehicles off the roads so plows can clear the roads overnight. Parking is free in all municipal lots from 7 pm tonight until 9 am tomorrow.

Recreation permits and fees

You will need a permit to reserve the the Borough's parks and recreational facilities for sport activities, picnics, events, and photography sessions.

Need to know

Review the permit fee schedule to see how the fees listed below are applied to individuals, groups and organizations.

How to apply for a permit

  1. Contact Kathy Gerndt to ask if a specific park or facility is available
  2. If there is availability, Kathy will confirm the fees and send you an application form. She will also confirm if you need to provide proof of insurance.
  3. Email Kathy the application form and any required documents.
  4. You will receive approval within 24 to 48 hours. Kathy will notify you if we need more time to review your application.


Fields - general use

The fields are available for up to 2 hours, for sport activities, like baseball, soccer, softball, volleyball and kickball.

County agencies
and non-profits
Other non-profits Non-residents and for-profit groups
$30 $30 $40 $60

Fields - seasonal and special interest

A monthly permit is required to use the fields up to 3 times per week.

County agencies
and non-profits
Other non-profits Non-residents and for-profit groups
N/A $250 $350 $500

Fields - tournaments

Groups should email KGerndt@SomervilleNJ.org to ask about using the fields for tournaments

Somerville residents County agencies and non-profits Other non-profits Non-residents and for-profit groups
Daily - per field N/A $100 $150 $200
Additional field N/A $60 $70 $80

Fields - lights

We charge an additional daily fee for lighting at each field.

County agencies
and non-profits
Other non-profits Non-residents and for-profit groups
$30 $30 $30 $30

Courts - pickleball and tennis

Groups may request a permit to use the pickleball and tennis courts for up to 2 hours. Individuals, including residents, may not reserve the courts for personal use.

County agencies
and non-profits
Other non-profits Non-residents and for-profit groups
N/A $100 $150 $200

Private events

You may host a party or picnic at one of our beautiful parks. We have open picnic areas and covered pavilions with picnic tables. These fees are for a 2-hour period.

County agencies
and non-profits
Other non-profits Non-residents and for-profit groups
Up to 30 people $30 $40 $50 $60
31 to 50 people $50 $60 $75 $100

Special events

The parks are available for larger events, usually hosted by organizations. Special events may require approval from the Borough Council.

County agencies
and non-profits
Other non-profits Non-residents and for-profit groups
51 to 100 people $125 $150 $200 $250
101 to 300 people $200 $250 $300 $350

Ellsworth Van Fleet Gardens and Gazebo

Photography: You may reserve the gazebo, for your outdoor photos, for up to 1 hour.

County agencies
and non-profits
Other non-profits Non-residents and for-profit groups
$25 N/A N/A $50

Events: The gazebo is a perfect spot for smaller gatherings, like birthday parties and weddings. These fees are for a 2-hour period.

County agencies
and non-profits
Other non-profits Non-residents and for-profit groups
Up to 10 people $50 N/A N/A $100
11 to 30 people $75 N/A N/A $150

How are fees used?

Fees help offset the larger costs incurred for the maintenance and preparation of the fields, including: aeration, mowing, topdressing, re-seeding, irrigation, dragging infields and lining fields.

Additional maintenance includes: trash collection, recycling and maintenance of bleachers, fence backstops, goalposts and bathrooms.


Kathy Gerndt
Director of Recreation

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