Tuesday, February 11: Please move vehicles off the roads so plows can clear the roads overnight. Parking is free in all municipal lots from 7 pm tonight until 9 am tomorrow.

Repair, replace or install a sidewalk

If you own a residential property, you can repair, replace, or install sidewalks at bulk quantity rates.  Under the Voluntary Sidewalk Improvement Program, you can:

  • Replace all or part of an existing public sidewalk or driveway apron
  • Install a new public sidewalk where none currently exists
  • Reset or replace bluestone sidewalks

Need to know

  • Only perimeter sidewalks (that run parallel to the street) are eligible
  • You will be billed for administrative and improvement costs
    • 1 lump sum payment (required for repairs under $1,000)
    • 1 payment per year for 3 years (interest will accrue on the outstanding balance)
  • If you live within the Bluestone Protection Area, you need to replace the sidewalk with bluestone, not concrete.
  • This is a voluntary program

Before you start

You will need to include a sketch of your property with your application. Download this template to create one.

Street trees

Every effort will be made to save the street trees in front of your home. If a tree must be removed in the process of constructing the sidewalk, you can purchase replacement trees. The Department of Public Works must approve the tree species and size. They can install the trees free of charge.

The other option is to inquire about upcoming roadway improvement projects, through which trees may be purchased and planted at no cost to the homeowner.


  1. Complete the online application and include a sketch of your property.
  2. We will inspect your property and give you a cost estimate for the work to be done.
  3. If you decide to go ahead with the job, you will be asked to sign a contract outlining the terms and conditions of payment. You must return the signed agreement or cancel your application in writing within 10 days.

What's next

We will advertise and award the construction contract.

We will examine the property and work designated in the application and inspect the final construction.

Some portions of the work you will be assessed for may need to be rebuilt at a later date by the Borough as part of a road project. There is no compensation to the owner by the Borough as a result of this replacement.

Get help

Rodney Hadley
Public Works Director

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