Sunday, September 15: The spray parks will close at 6 pm for the summer season. E. Main St will be closed from Grove St to Bridge St, from 9 am to 8 pm, for the Jazz Festival.

Gas pipe upgrades

PSE&G started Phase 1 of a gas construction project in March 2023. Crews are working in Somerville to replace aging cast iron gas pipes with new, durable plastic and/or coated steel piping.

The gas main replacement and services portion of the work is expected to be completed by the winter of 2025. What you need to know about gas system upgrades coming to your area

Work hours

  • Monday - Friday, 7 am - 5 pm
  • Potential for construction work on Saturday
  • Work is pending weather and availability of materials

Garbage collection during construction

Trash pickup will be earlier than normal while roads are under construction. Make sure to put your garbage out the night before.


Current work locations

Overview of work

PSE&G will dig trenches, primarily in road surfaces, and lay new pipes block-by-block to minimize disruptions. At the end of each workday, the trenches will be filled in and protective plates secured.

PSE&G will avoid digging on properties, when possible. If they have to dig on your property, a contractor will restore any disturbance after the service line is installed. Grass areas will be repaired and seeded, and concrete or asphalt
openings patched until final restoration work is scheduled.

After construction, a PSE&G technician will need access to your home to connect the service line and gas meter to the new gas main. PSEG&G will contact homeowners to arrange a date and time to do this work.

During the reconnection, you can expect to be without gas service for about four hours. If your meter is inside, they will move it to the outside of your home or business. The technician will reconnect and relight all appliances. If you are not able to legally provide access to the property in question and require landlord approval, please let PSE&G know when they contact you.

Road repairs

When all work is finished, PSE&G will repair roads with temporary pavement until the project is complete and the ground settles (after 45-90 days).

Final restoration may take longer depending on the weather conditions, size of the project, time of year or at the request of the town.

PSE&G will have their contractors restore roads with permanent paving in accordance with town/county ordinances and paving requirements.

Gas Construction Customer Hotline

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