Monday, February 10: NJ American water customers may notice a change in taste and smell in water due to routine maintenance, through mid-April.

Deck permit guide


For a deck project of any size, you need:

A fine (up to $2,000) may be issued to any person performing work without the necessary permits.

Rules and requirements

  • Decks are not permitted in the front yard
  • The area of the deck, when added to the existing improvement coverage
    on the property, must not exceed the maximum in the zone:

    • R1 Zone: Maximum is 35% of the lot area
    • R-2 and R-3 Zones: Maximum is generally 40% of the lot area


  • If at grade or less than 1 foot from grade: No setback requirement
  • If elevated more than 1 foot from grade, but not higher than the lowest above grade floor level: 5 foot setback requirement to the property line
  • If elevated more than the lowest above grade floor level: Setback is the required setback for principle structures in the zone

Permit process

Zoning permit

The first step is to apply for a zoning permit. Include these with your application:

  • Plot plan or survey of the property for proposed work
  • 2 sets of detailed construction plans

If you own the property, you can prepare the plans. Any work requiring a permit in a structure other than an owner-occupied single family dwelling must have the plans prepared by a NJ licensed architect or engineer.

Review and approval

If approved, the application is forwarded to the subcode officials for review. If denied, the applicant will be notified of the reason for denial and any corrective measures that can be taken.

The Borough’s building, electric, plumbing and fire subcode officials will review the plans and documents for compliance with the Uniform Construction Code. We may request more information at this point.

Permit and inspections

The applicant will be notified of the fee for the permit. The applicant can then pay the fee and pickup the permit and placard. Permits may be picked up at Borough Hall between 9 am and 4 pm.

Permit placard must be placed in a location visible from the street. Work may start at this point and the applicant must schedule inspections.

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